
Can this identify GAPS Syndrome vs. Depression or Schizophrenia?

Swallow This Camera, Diagnosis Disease Painlessly

Swallow This Camera, Diagnosis Disease Painlessly

If you have undergone an endoscopy to diagnose or follow celiac disease, you may be wondering if there is anything on the horizon that might replace this type of test. Capsule endoscopy (CE) is a new way to look inside the intestines. A tiny camera near the size of a large vitamin is swallowed, and it records thousands of pictures as it passes through the intestinal tract. These images are sent to a device strapped around the waist or across the chest and are retrieved later….for more info click the link:


How to help a depressed friend.

1 in 4 of you will suffer from clinical depression at some point in your life. Many deal with it on a day by day basis, struggling to get up, get going, clean up, face life, face the world.  It’s not fun. I know.  Fortunately, my depression, though clinical is a result of Anxiety, which I am learning to manage.  Before I understand this, it was sometimes a challenge.  My sister said I was bi-polar.  Not!  I knew I had depression, but I didn’t know why and I knew that sometimes when I came out of it I was so happy and relieved that I did show signs of being on a manic high–shopping excessively, etc.  But it’s about Anxiety, a disorder I have suffered with since I was a child but didn’t understand it.  Now I do.  I feel it coming on and do whatever it takes to get away from it—call a friend, hang up on a phone call that is stressing me, I listen to EMDR tapes (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), I eat ice cream, I go for a walk, I borrow my daughter’s dog named Bear.  Whatever it takes!  I avoid stress that induces anxious feelings the same way a diabetic avoids sugar.

That said, many do not know they have clinical depression or understand.  It’s not easy to get out of it either.  If you or a loved one suffer–REACH OUT…go to a 12-step program like Emotions Anonymous or DDA (Dual Diagnosis Anonymous) to share and learn about it.  Or go to a therapist.  EA and DDA are “dollar therapy”.  They can help you find a therapist or give you someone to talk to that understands.

Whatever you do… do something… which is sometimes the hardest thing for someone to do who if suffering with clinical depression.


An Open Letter

From the author:  “Mental illness is a disease, whatever the particular diagnosis. We are not ashamed to talk about heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. Why are we ashamed to talk about bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, or personality disorders? These are diseases that affect many people. No one asks to have them. They are not punishment for sins. Mental illness is not caused by demons, though it is certainly evil.”

An Open Letter.


How to Improve your Gut Health

For all who suffer with mental illness or addiction, be aware that it is likely caused by a disease called GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome).  Learn everything you can about GAPS.  It may save your life…and living a gluten free, dairy free diet may cure your depression, schizophrenia, ADD, ADHD, or more. Even autism.  Click the link to the left below to read about health gut.  I’ll be posting many more articles on this topic.  Email me if you know about it and have something you want me to share on this blog.


Risk of Adult Anxiety Seen in Children’s Stomachaches

As this article points out the link between abdominal pain in children leads to anxiety and depression as adults, I can’t help but think about GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome).  This is my new cause.  To spread the word about GAPS, which many believe is the cause of a significant percentage of autism, ADD, ADHD, Depression and Schizophrenia, as well as addiction.  Stop the “slaughter” of our children by gluten, dairy and processed foods.. .. worth reading.  Look for a lot more about this from me in the future.

Click the little “Link” below right to get the full story.